for the woman behind the mother
who longs to know herself deeper, trust herself more, and stop feeling torn between the roles she fills and the woman she wants to be.
Less sacrifice, self abandonment, and slaying yourself on the alter of hard work.
More softness, sensuality, and space to let the woman within emerge so she can guide you towards the clarity and profound peace you continue to chase in all the wrong places.
Spend 4 weeks in loving devotion of the woman behind the mother who's been placed on the back burner for far too long.
The relationship with yourself is the most important of all.
You are the love of your life babe, it's time to treat yourself accordingly.
A 4 week courtship to reacquaint yourself with the woman you forgot you are, the woman you thought you had to leave behind.
Know yourself again.
Spoil yourself silly.
Learn to hear and trust what the guide-ess within needs (and how to give it to her even as a busy, career driven, wife, woman, and mother)
Bring more of YOU back into your own life so you can lead and love your people from overflow (not obligation) show up for your goals inspired and excited.
- create at least 10 hours a week for yourself
- learn how you see yourself differs from how the world sees you
- get honest about what is working for YOU and what isn't
- move through the fears and guilt that want you to continue to put everyone else's needs ahead of your own
- quiet the constant mental chatter, self doubt, and persistent anxiety that never allows you to fully rest or feel like you've done enough
- get ruthless with your commitments, decipher your fuck yes-es from your fuck no-s, and set up your calendar to reflect your actual priorities
- uncover what your unfelt emotions are trying to teach you and how to move through them to create more energetic space for joy and peace
- come home to your feminine body, sensuality, and softness (how to BE more, do less and still get it all done)
- spoiling yourself in ways big and small to build stronger self connection and self trust (as well as set new expectations for how life works as a mother who loves herself first)
- how to get shit done and your needs met without nagging everyone, mothering your partner, or becoming a raving, unhinged lunatic
- how to savor the beauty, richness, and simple, yet profound pleasure you're missing right in front of you
- deepen your self connection, intuition, & ability to co-create with the divine (we're talking magic, magnetism, and manifestation)
- and so much more.


Practical + applicable tips to free up your calendar immediately and create more space to date yourself during the course.
Understanding identity and the power of how we see ourselves
The 4 Disconnected Mother Archetypes (how losing yourself shows up) and what each woman within is craving
PRACTICE #1: Our inner world vs outer persona art therapy exercise
PRACTICE #2: Rewriting the rules of good mothering to support the woman within
The lost art of the soft, feminine woman (and why coming home to her will change the way you mother, love, lead, and experience life)
Understanding the power of our emotions & how the woman within leads us through feelings
Expanding our emotional range to move past self imposed upper limits, so we can experience more joy, pleasure, and peace.
The law of circulation and the power of receiving (and why without it we are drowning)
Life as art & devotion instead of to do and obligation (and why everyone benefits when you DO less and BE more)
PRACTICE #1: Meeting the Woman Within Meditation
PRACTICE #2: Out of the Head and Into the Body Awareness Experience

How the Guide-ess within leads us (and how to discern her from fear and social conditioning)
Holding ourselves in the uncertainty & discomfort required for expansion (so we can carry MORE in all areas with less effort)
Stop trying to control the uncontrollable (and the divine magic you'll experience when you open to another way)
Releasing the limitations of your logical mind and how to feel your way there
Creating a rich inner world, relationship with the divine, and strong spiritual connection (and why it matters)
Shifting from a destination mentality to truly enjoying the journey
PRACTICE #1: My Signature Imagination Creation Exercise: Let the Woman within reveal the vision she's holding for you
PRACTICE #2: Dropping the Illusion of Control Meditation
Practical practices to balance your inner woman relationship with the realities of your very busy schedule (how to do both)
Setting boundaries, saying no, having hard conversations, and dealing with people who don't get it (a.k.a. navigating the bullshit that WILL arise when you stop suffering alongside everyone else)
How to take action as the woman you want to be before you feel ready (bold ideas & activities to do now!)
Realistic and simple strategies for romanticizing your daily life to infuse more magic, pleasure, presence and simple joys
How to follow the magic and chase that which makes you come alive (even as a busy mom)
PRACTICE #1: Reviving the Woman Bucket list challenge (with awesome prizes) to get you out of your head and INTO the experience of being the woman



What moms are shifting

Your Investment
P.S. Did you know you get Reviving the Woman for free when you join my membership THE MADE FOR MORE SOCIETY?
The Society is a new (and growing) community of women who KNOW they are made for more and committed to figuring it out, prioritizing themselves, and making this the year everything changes.
📖 In this experience, you'll receive instant access to my entire content library as well as auto-enrollment in any new programs I launch during the year.
☺️ 2x a month LIVE group coaching.
💕 Private FB Community.
🥂 $500 discount on 1 in Person Luxury Retreat per year (when offered)
If you know you are ready to figure out:
WHY you're unsatisfied
WHAT is missing, and
HOW to make it happen
and you want the support, accountability, tools, & coaching to ensure your success...considering joining the Made for More Society.


this is possible for you too

There's no right time, just right now
Nothing needs to change for it to feel like everything has.
2024 can be the year the year YOU come back to life.