
Tired of missing your life while trying to create your big life and wondering how to slow down enough to enjoy the journey without giving up the dream?


Working your ass off trying to grow your biz and manage your life...feeling stuck no matter how much you do and craving some of that ease and flow you keep hearing people talk about?


Wondering why your efforts aren't getting the results you want?


Feeling like your life is competing with your business & your business is interfering with your life?


Wondering how to make time and space for all the things that need to be done without falling into exhaustion and wanting to give up?


Tired of listening to the screaming demands of the world, never knowing who to listen to and how to navigate the competing demands on your time & energy?


there is a better way


No bullshit.


 No fluff.


No magic scheduling or time blocking formula that is just more of the same "to do list Tetris" prettied up under a new name.


You don't need another process, set of rules, or more shit to do.


You need an entirely new powerful, "holy shit I didn't think I was allowed to live like this" radically different way of approaching life, tackling tasks, believing in yourself and creating results that will change everything, forever. 


If you're feeling stuck (in motherhood, growing your biz, or just overwhelmed by the constant demands of life in general)....this is for you.


If you constantly feel like there's not enough time, you can't get a break, and the harder you work the further away relief feels...keep reading.

tough love time...

Your kids and busy schedule are not the reason you aren't further along in your business. Your to-do list is not why you don't have what you want.

They're the excuses you lean on to avoid facing what you might need to face, admit, feel and change about who you've become and what you're allowing.

It's easier to put off your dreams than to admit you don't know what they really are.

It's easier to stay busy than look in the mirror and admit you don't even know yourself anymore or who you are without external validation.

The work isn't MORE WORK. The work is "how do I come back to myself?  TO look at where I am, who I am, what I'm putting my faith in and how do I make a different decision...one that GIVES me life instead of taking it?

I don't need a sales page I need THIS! Sign me up for $97
in Drop the Struggle 3 Part Masterclass

you're gonna learn why...

💔the illusion of control is making you crazy, keeping you overworked (and underpaid) and a complete fucking waste of time.

🚫 the path to success you thought would give you everything you want never will (and what to do instead)

💪 hard work doesn't work and is actually pushing what you want further away

😩 the guilt of slowing down, asking for help, and doing less than everything feels impossible to overcome

❤️‍🩹 the addiction to busyness is so hard to break, what's hiding behind it, and why you will NEVER be able to achieve what you're striving for until you face the real issues

and how to...

💥 do less, have more, and drop the fucking struggle that was never required

🤯 do ONLY what you want without sacrificing your standards

🎉 access the shortcut to success so you can get what you want faster, easier, and with far less effort

🚩 stop trying to figure everything out, control the uncontrollable, and running around like a chicken with your head cut off

🥰 quiet your racing brain, silence the constant thoughts, and learn how to sleep soundly again 

🥺 roll with life, chill the fuck out, breath deeper, and release your death grip of control

✨ attract and allow more ease, flow, magic, and abundance than you could ever create with hard work alone 

I’m Emilie, life+success coach for mom's who want it all. Here's a picture of me being fancy because, we're more than moms around here.

I help tired moms with big dreams FINALLY figure out how to have it all WITHOUT settling. 

As a stay at home mom, I grew my hobby blog into a multiple 6 figure coaching business in under 3 years, without sacrificing myself, my sleep or my sanity (actually I did at first so I could teach you what NOT to do).

I know what it's like to want more income, impact and freedom and I know how to do it without trading your life in the process.

I also know what it's like to abandon yourself in pursuit of it and wake up with everything you thought would make you feel better, only to realize it was never gonna give you what you thought it would.

The world would have you work on everything but yourself. I'm here to help you do the work on YOU that actually changes everything because it's not what you do, but who you are when you do it.

I'm here to help you become the woman who is capable of carrying all of your big dreams.

Drop the Struggle is setting the foundation...

what we're covering

Lesson 1: The Illusion of Control

What got you here isn't going to get you there and why the module of success and circumstantial power you are chasing is never going to give you the results you crave.

Lesson 2: Who Are You Without the Work

As long as your identity is tied to the struggle you will never feel worthy of success without it. We have to take effort off the pedestal if we're ever going to allow ourselves to let it be easy

Lesson 3: Learning to Let it Be Easy

Exactly HOW do we do less and achieve more? Step by step process for letting go of the old way and strengthening the new self leadership skills required to achieve more while doing less.

Lesson 4: The Art of Allowing & Manifesting with Intention

A brand new module recorded LIVE teaching how to manifest with intention, let the universe do for you what you cannot do for yourself, and how to have EVEN more (while doing even less)

what's included

Drop the Struggle

Instant access to the 3 part Masterclass

LIVE Bonus Training 

2 hour live Lesson 4 + coaching call - date TBD in April '24

Spiritual Workout Bonus

Instant download

Uncover 10 Extra Hours a Week

Workbook Instant download

Conquer the Chaos

Mini Course Instant Download

Drop the Struggle Masterclass Bundle

(reg. $333) sale thru 4/9/24

Snag for $97


what my clients are saying...