30 Days to Create Massive Momentum, a Sustainable Show Up Strategy You Love, and the Certainty That You Do Have What It Takes to Succeed!
You swing between giving it your all or wanting to give up.
When people are engaged, commenting, and buying you feel unstoppable, and when they aren’t, you feel like it’s all of waste of time, will never work, and maybe not going to happen for you.
You keep pulling the plug for fear it isn’t working. You start and stop and get distracted by what everyone else is doing, wondering if if maybe their approach would work better than yours.
You’re not afraid to show up and put the effort in, but you want to know it’s going to work, that it’s all worth it.
You’re looking for validation, evidence, and certainty and when you don’t get it, your self doubt kicks into overdrive.
You give up before you get going…until the cycle starts over again.
Here's why this will never work...
you aren't giving anything enough time to build momentum
Without momentum, you need serious force and significant effort to achieve what small things done over time could have done.
If it feels like you’re wasting a lot of time and energy, it’s because you are.
Instead of concentrating your efforts on the right things in the right way (small, strategic actions put together consistently that add up to real, larger change), you’re overworking on the wrong things, stopping before it can start working, and pulling the plug on your progress.
You cannot create momentum without laser focus, solid consistency, and crystal clarity. And without momentum you’re going to have to work really, really, hard to get the same result. I know you don’t have the time or energy for that.
So let’s ditch the doubt, create sustainable consistency, focus on what works (and forget what doesn’t) so we can create some real momentum around here.

30 days to create massive momentum, a sustainable show up strategy you love, and the certainty that yes, you do have what it takes to succeed!
This program isn’t about doing more…it’s about learning how to do less, better
Here's what you're going to learn
How to simplify showing up so it’s something you actually WANT to do, not another “should do” on your to do list.
You’ll learn how to create an aligned vision and simple marketing plan for your business tailed specifically to your ideal client in a language she’ll understand. You’ll eliminate all the extra fluff, tasks, and BS that isn’t required and get clear on one offer and single focus you’re excited to share.
How to set yourself up for success by creating a realistic work schedule
that actually fits into your busy life so you aren’t faced with the daily dilemma of whether or not to work. We’re also going to create a foundational plan of self care that makes sure you have what you need FIRST before giving to your biz or your family.
How to create powerful and potent content that makes you stand out from the crowd, speak to the soul of your ideal client, and attracts people into your world in a way that does’t require as much work as you think.
You’re not only going to learn the basics of branding, market positioning, ideal client research, copywriting and offer creation, we’re also going to cover the tools, how tos, and specifics of putting it into practice in real time.
How to work with your fears and override your doubts when you want to give up
so you remain consistent no matter what, which is required for long term success. You’re going to understand why it feels so scary, how your brain is working against you to keep you stuck, and what to do when it feels like nothing is working and it’s time to give up. The strategies you learn here will be indispensable as an entrepreneur. This is’t made for the faint of heart - it’s time to learn how to become the woman who can not only survive, but thrive running her own business.
I know how hard is to have both a business and a busy family

Hi. I’m Emilie
mom of 4, wife, and multiple 6 figure life+success coach for mom entrepreneurs, I too have a lot on my plate. Like most busy moms, I know how to get shit done. Today though, I finally know how to both manage my family and grow my business without falling into overwork, overwhelm, or being over it all. I don’t have time to waste on things that don’t work, and neither do you.
When I stopped searching for the path to success and decided to create my own, my business grew 400%, turning my annual income into my monthly income, while cutting the hours I worked in half. When I decided to f#ck the rules, write my own, and show up unapologetically in a way that I both enjoyed and allowed me to connect deeply with my ideal client, everything got easier.
How to do this is what you're going to learn in Momentum.
What's included
4 Training Modules + 2 Q&A Call Replays
1. Simplifying Showing Up
2. Setting Yourself Up for Success
3. Creating Powerful + Potent Content
4. Staying in the Heat
Workbooks + Supporting Materials
1. Understanding Your Ideal Client
2. Crafting Your Unique Customer Journey
3. Amplifying Your Unforgettable Personal Brand
4. Aligned 30 Day Marketing Plan + Content Calendar Template
4. Flexible Work Schedule Template
plus these bonuses

Vanessa Beard
"if you have been teetering about Momentum and wondering if its for you, it WORTH EVERY FREAKING PENNY! I have had other coaches teach the same thing and its never sunk in. THIS here gives you both the mindset and the business stuff!"

Ashley Daniels
"Before Momentum, I had a difficult time articulating what I did and how I could help my clients, which was frustrating because I know I provide a lot of value to my clients. I had created client avatars prior to taking part in Momentum, but the way Emilie broke it down, I was able to see who I wanted to work with and how I wanted to serve my clients on much deeper level. I now have more confidence in how I speak about my program and how I can help potential clients. My consultation calls have been so much easier (and fun) since completing Momentum and I'm attracting better ideal clients!"

Ceci Foltz
"The momentum program helped me gain clarity on my ideal client and my brand messaging. When I started the program I realized some of my messaging was not cohesive and concise. Emilie helped me notice this And helped put me in the right direction to tie my message to my shop products. After gaining this clarity my engagement, followers, and sales went up (yay!) but even better, I felt more confident in showing up on social media, I felt more authentic and that I was attracting my ideal customer & community."
P.S. Did you know you get MOMentum for free when you join my membership THE MADE FOR MORE SOCIETY?
The Society is a new (and growing) community of women who KNOW they are made for more and committed to figuring it out, prioritizing themselves, and making this the year everything changes.
📖 In this experience, you'll receive instant access to my entire content library as well as auto-enrollment in any new programs I launch during the year.
☺️ 2x a month LIVE group coaching.
💕 Private FB Community.
🥂 $500 discount on 1 in Person Luxury Retreat per year (when offered)
If you know you are ready to figure out:
WHY you're unsatisfied
WHAT is missing, and
HOW to make it happen
and you want the support, accountability, tools, & coaching to ensure your success...considering joining the Made for More Society.