* What if instead of feeling powerless in your own life...you woke up feeling like a total badass who could handle anything life throws at you?
* What if instead of feeling like you were at the mercy of your to do list and busy schedule...you made your day your bitch?
* What if instead of admiring women who seem to have it all figured out...you became so clear and aligned with your own priorities that nothing would make you doubt yourself, your decisions, or your worth, again?
What if instead of wrestling with guilt and doubt....you became a woman who does what she wants, when she wants, how she wants, without guilt or apology?,
* What if instead of worrying about everything from bills, to your weight and everything in between...you could relax and enjoy the journey of life because you know you cannot fuck it up?
* What if instead of agonizing over decisions, weighing pros and cons, polling friends & family, and constantly second guessing yourself....you always knew exactly what to do next with clarity and confidence?
* What if instead of downplaying your accomplishments, feeling braggy, or uncomfortable sharing your success...you could own your value and worth proudly in the world?
*What if instead of feeling responsible for everyone and everything....you let people live their own life, solve their own problems, and consequentially grow into the people they were meant to be?
*What if instead of being great at pleasing others...you got great at pleasing yourself and KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT that you were actually doing the best thing for them and you?
*What if instead of feeling guilty, bad, or selfish reading this list and thinking of what could be...you felt clear, excited, and empowered to learn to love and honor yourself the way you love and honor others?
* What if instead of filling limited...you felt totally limitless to create, achieve, and ascend in every area of your life, even if you don't know how?

A 4 module course created to help you wake up your power to shake up your life, so you can reclaim control of your life and destiny, and never feel powerless again.
Focusing on both mindset AND practical action, with a lot of unlearning and rewriting the rules thrown in, The Empowered Woman is all about helping you know yourself better, trust yourself more, and become the unstoppable, powerhouse you were always meant to be.
Now, more than ever, the world needs kind hearted, good, incredible women stepping out of the shadows and into their power. Ready or not, here we come.
A recovered good girl, people pleaser and exhausted mom now obsessed with showing women a better way.
I spent years feeling like so much was out of my control & that I was powerless to make real change. I looked to everyone else for answers and permission, and then felt frustrated when it never came.
I now know, power isn't given, it's claimed. True power comes from within.
Being powerful isn't about being stronger or better than others. Power is knowing your worth, trusting your voice, and believing in yourself above all else...and then acting accordingly.
Reminding women of their power and potential in a world hell bent on making them believe they have none is my mission.
I’m a trained coach and have worked with and supported hundreds of women in my private & group coaching programs and in my online communities. I believe women will save the world, but only if we stop looking to everyone else first, and learn to harness the power within

Power is not something you go get out there, it’s something you cultivate and bring forth from within. Understanding there is a well of untapped power that already lives within you is the first step. In this first lesson we will:
>>Get to the root of why you feel powerless so you can start making the necessary internal changes that will lead to external results
>>Learn to see ourselves, our emotions, and our thoughts in a new a way so we can begin practicing taking back control
>Remember and tap into our inner exceptional woman so she can show you what you really want, who you really are, and where you’ve self abandoned.
We spend so much of our precious time and energy doing all the things we think we should do in order to be good wives and good mothers. We’re terrified of getting it wrong, so we look to the world to show us how to think, how to feel, how to mother, and what to prioritize. Often these paradigms leave us out of our own life, exhausted, overworked, overgiving, underearning, and feeling under appreciated. This lesson is going to detonate the old, indoctrinated ideas around what motherhood should look like, so you can get clear on what YOU actually want for yourself and your family. In this lesson we will:
>>Identify and evaluate your individual belief system around what a good woman and mother should be, so you’re free to be who you really are.
>>Get brutally honest about what is not working, where you feel powerless, or what you are done tolerating.
>>Get crazy clarity around what kind of woman and mom feels aligned, exciting, and expansive (instead of heavy, restricted, and exhausting)
>Activate your powers of imagination to start dreaming about what could be, instead of accepting what is.
We live in a world that glorifies the masculine, the hustle, the grind, and the get shit done approach to life. It’s no wonder we feel that in order to succeed in a man’s world, we have to act like men, but in doing so, we’ve cut ourself off from our true power. This week we’re going to:
>>Breakdown the differences between masculine and feminine energy and how to use both to move you forward and get shit done with ease
>>Remove blocks to receiving so you can get out of resistance and allow life to unfold effortlessly (goodbye struggle!)
>>Bring back self love, self connection, and self care in a powerful way (goodbye martyr mom, being selfless, and running on fumes)
>>Establish powerful rituals to nurture your soul, cultivate your intuition and celebrate your divine feminine.
>>Create a personalized, daily spiritual workout to strengthen your intuition, inner wisdom, and self trust
>>Embrace your desires in a new and powerful way, so you can open yourself up to the divine breadcrumbs and be lead towards the life the universe/God has planned for you
>>Learn how to incorporate the feminine qualities of play, sisterhood, curiosity, and FUN in a real way into your real life.
>>Quiet your noisy brain, stop the spinning and overwhelm, and help you get out of your head and into your body (where all your pleasure and power lives)
This lesson is all about action, taking what you’ve learned in the previous weeks and applying it to your daily life so you can begin to not just feel powerful but show up that way in the world. In this lesson we will:
>>Reveal the powerful, internal guidance system you never knew you had
>>Learn the simple, most powerful thing a woman can do to avoid confrontation, guilt, or being “bullied” by others
>>Understand how to align your internal values with your external actions, so you are living in integrity & showing up as who you really want to be.
>>Reinforce all the reasons why living in your power, showing up for your true self, and being the powerful woman you were meant to be, is truly in the best interest of your family (and the world!)
4 powerful modules that walk you through the lessons, shifts, actions, and homework
Each module of the program includes a bundled, printable workbook filled with reflection questions, action steps, and key takeaways to help you can anchor in what you learn and start carrying it forward into your real life

Daily Spiritual Beginner's Workout Guide to help you establish the strong self connection critical to the empowered woman's success

Hot Happy Empowered Moms Must Have List - The mindset, attitude, and fierce factor every woman needs to take with her, wherever she goes

"Working with Emilie was just the change I needed in my life. Doing her program opened my eyes to so many of the personal and professional road blocks I was tripping myself up on and I'm so grateful for the clarity I received as result of working with her. Not only was her program easy to work through, but Emilie always knew exactly what to say or what book to recommend. I am incredibly grateful for her and all of her help!"
- April Davis, educator & blogger @TheVaginaBlog

"Before working with Emilie I was struggling. I didn’t like who I was becoming with the pressures of motherhood. After working with Emilie, I became hyper self-aware and that made all the difference. I was able to ask myself questions and reflect on who I was and what was stopping me from becoming the person I knew I could be...the person I was before kids. I began asking for things I needed and felt zero guilt about it and I set boundaries which were necessary in my personal growth as a confident mom and woman. It was a process, but I can’t recommend Emilie enough"
- Samantha Alber

"Emilie has pushed me to go deeper and really look at what I’m capable of. She has helped me to focus on what I truly want and figure out what has been holding me back. I can’t recommend her enough if you are ready to go to the left next level in business or life."
- Jennifer Jakobsen, Confidence Coach for Moms
Once you sign up, make sure and check your email on how to access your member dashboard area where all of your content will be unlocked and waiting for you to dive in!
P.S. Did you know you get The Empowered Woman for free when you join my membership THE MADE FOR MORE SOCIETY?
The Society is a new (and growing) community of women who KNOW they are made for more and committed to figuring it out, prioritizing themselves, and making this the year everything changes.
📖 In this experience, you'll receive instant access to my entire content library as well as auto-enrollment in any new programs I launch during the year.
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💕 Private FB Community.
🥂 $500 discount on 1 in Person Luxury Retreat per year (when offered)
If you know you are ready to figure out:
WHY you're unsatisfied
WHAT is missing, and
HOW to make it happen
and you want the support, accountability, tools, & coaching to ensure your success...considering joining the Made for More Society.