Mom with big dreams, little time, and a certainty you were made to do big things in this world…
there is ONLY ONE THING holding you back from creating the life you long to live
you haven't yet decided to make it happen
Your decision is the powerful missing piece, the very thing that gets everything else underway.
But we’ll get to all that.
First, I want you to know I understand EXACTLY how you feel.
I know you feel a little silly and embarrassed to admit how much money, fame, and success you REALLY want
I know you’ve got something to prove to those who’ve underestimated you, that you’re so much bigger and bolder than they think you are.
I know you feel seriously pissed when you see other women doing what you know is meant for you and wonder why the fuck she has it and you don’t yet.
I know you feel torn between wanting to be a good mom and wanting something for yourself too damn it. I know it feels like everyone gets the best of you and there’s never enough left for you to REALLY prioritize yourself and your dreams.
I know how infuriating it is to see childless people make it sound easy or millionaire coaches who had babies 10 minutes ago try and explain how to do both when they don’t know the very real challenges of building something from nothing while the kids expect dinner every damn night!
I know you don’t know what to focus on first, how to create real momentum, and what to do when you want to give up and it feels like you’ll never get there.
I know you want to feel sexier, more powerful, lit up, excited and connected about life again instead of feeling like a hamster on a basic bitch, boring as hell daily grind wheel that’s just more of the same.
I know you KNOW you are meant to have it all but cannot, figure out how the fuck to make it happen.
I know you feel the years going by and are starting to wonder if you’ll ever get there before your kids are grown and gone.
I get it momma, because I’ve been there.
I also know, every damn thing you want is exactly what you’re meant to be, do, and have.
having big dreams doesn’t make you special
but deciding to become the woman who makes them a reality, does.
I get it. You legit have a million valid reasons why you can’t make yourself a priority. It’s easier to talk yourself into being happy where you are, put it off for a more convenient time, or justify why you can’t invest in yourself right now….and this is precisely why most women will never create a life worthy of who they are meant to be.
You can create the life you were meant to live or spend a lifetime wondering what could have been if you had the courage to try.
All that’s missing is a decision.
So decide already.

hi, i'm Emilie
and I have it all...
all the things that matter to me anyways AND a plan to achieve the big, audacious, dreamy goals I haven’t yet.
I’m a mom of 4, wife, writer, and multiple 6 figure life+success coach for moms who want it all without the sacrifice they fear is required.
I married my high school sweetheart, gave up my corporate career to make babies and white picket fence memories. I had everything I thought I wanted and achieved all of my life goals before my 30th birthday...and I was miserable.
I wanted more. More than I thought was allowed. More than I thought was possible.
I decided to become a model instead of a martyr. Instead of living FOR my children, I started LIVING for them. I stopped just telling them to go for their big dreams and instead become the woman who showed them how.
I’m proud of the company I’ve built, the hundreds of thousands of dollars I’ve earned, the moms I’ve coached and lives I’ve changed, but most of all, I’m proud of the woman I’ve had to become to achieve it.
all of my success comes down to one thing...
simply, I showed up as the woman I wanted to be until I became her.
I’m a woman who knows and trusts herself well
When you learn how to do this you’ll stop doubting yourself, worrying what other people think, weighing pros and cons and waffling on what to do next. You’ll just do it.
I know how to create and hold a powerful vision that others want to be a part of
This is how you get people to follow, trust, and ultimately pay to work with you.
I know how to keep going when it feels like it isn’t working
I teach you how to hold the faith without evidence, keep showing up even if the clients aren’t, and build the strength required to create, hold and lead a 6 figure business as a busy mom.
I know how to balance a business, my kids’ busy schedules, time with my husband, solo travel, daily workouts and a truck load of self care
If you aren’t building a business you love that supports your busy life (instead of competing with it), what’s the point? You’ll learn how to create REAL sustainable success in all areas and how to juggle it all with half as much time and energy you’re spending right now.
I make miracles happen that catapult my business years ahead of where it should be, often doubling and sometimes even quadrupling my income
When you learn how your thoughts, energy, and beliefs shape your point of attraction you can quantum leap your results simply by shifting your thoughts & feelings to attract more of what you want (and less of what you don’t). You’re also going to learn how to lean back into your feminine so the clients, money, ideas, and support can come to YOU.
I know how to make the money, have the money, and spend the money required to support my big life (guilt and stress free)
Shifting your relationship with money is required if you want to have and hold more of it. If you don’t learn to do this you’ll never have enough, no matter how much you earn.
I hold myself, lead myself, and am the damn woman I need to be to play a bigger game
I’m going to teach you exactly how to show up as the woman you desire to be BEFORE you are her. When you go first, the money, the clients, the ideas, and the results follow.
But most importantly, I know how to teach you to become the woman capable of carrying YOUR big dreams and running your life like a boss
and bosses get paid
Women aren’t taught to lead...
We’re taught to follow, which is why you struggle to lead yourself through the uncertainty, the fears, and the unknown.
it’s time for a new education.
It’s time to unlearn the rules of success that were never designed for you to win and instead become the woman who creates every damn thing she says she would.
It’s time to stop asking others to directions to a place you’ve never been and learn how to create YOUR fuck yes life by design (not default).
School is in session.

The Academy is self study course + live monthly support designed to build you into a powerful, courageous, confident woman capable of creating and carrying all of your big dreams.
Simply, you’re going to learn how to become the woman you’ve always known you were meant to be so you can finally figure out how to have it all (AND at the same time).
Whether you want to uncover your money making purpose, create consistent income without working harder, hit your first $10,000 month or 6 figure year, or learn to slow down and enjoy the beautiful life you’ve already built, the mindset and success strategies in the Academy are going to shift you out of uncertainty & overwhelm into confidence, clarity, and badassery.
It’s time to own the dream. Build the life. Become the woman who has it all.
The Academy is for the woman who is ready to step out of uncertainty and into badass, so she can get paid like a boss.
what you get:
Every week a new module will help you unlearn the old rules of success, uncover what's holding you back, and teach you powerful new ways of thinking, acting, and showing up in life+biz so you know what to do next and then ACTUALLY see it through

“The Academy has been absolutely life changing! Emilie has a no-BS, yet loving approach of coaching and always seems to say exactly what is needed. The mindset shifts and energetic upgrades that I've had since joining the Academy has helped me earn more money in an easeful and FUN way instead of the hustle and overwhelm that I'm used to. I've learned how to manifest what I want in a way that makes sense and to finally decide and follow my huge desires without guilt or second guessing myself.
I've invested thousands of dollars in other programs and courses the past couple of years and got a quarter out of them what the Academy has given me in just a few weeks. Everything I'm learning from Emilie has literally been the missing piece I've needed my entire life - both in business and personal growth - and is explained in a way that just clicks, makes sense and is actually practical for any busy badass mom. Investing in Emilies courses and coaching is by far the most important thing I've done for myself and my business."
- Courtney, Blogger+Freelance Writer @CSVACreative
You can have both a fast growing, enjoyable, fulfilling career that doesn’t cost you your life or sanity.
You don’t have to do shit you don’t want to do to make it work.
You don’t need to work all hours of the night, get up before dawn, sacrifice your free time, or “buckle down” to make money. You don’t have to learn a bunch of shit you don’t want to do and suffer through business strategies that don’t feel right for you.
You aren’t required to become someone new.
you simply need this...
trust in yourself to lead yourself towards the path that feels the best for you.
You need to learn how to remove the doubt that tells you you don’t know what you’re doing, that you’re not good enough yet or that it’s going to cost you to succeed.
You have to uncover the self sabotage that is holding you back so you can show up, share and sell
You need to find the shit you are doing, in both life and business, you don’t actually want to do but feel you have to do (and then stop doing it!)
You need to learn how to have more fun, more pleasure and more peace instead of making that your businesses job.
This is exactly what you're going to learn in the Academy.
What makes the Academy different?
Yes, the Academy will help you grow your business and make more money, of course I’m gonna share the practical applications and knowledge that has helped me grow my hobby blog into a multiple 6 figure coaching business in under 3 years…but that info accounts for about 1% of me and my clients’ success.
The Academy is gonna teach you the other 99.
There are countless business building programs that can help you grow a business….but we’re not here JUST to make money.
We don’t just want to build a business….we want to build an incredible life. That means achieving and earning without giving up what matters, working more or compromising.
We want more down time, rest, connection with our fam and time for ourselves….not less. We want working in our business to be fun, filled with things we love and energizing….not more shit we have to trudge through before we’re allowed to enjoy ourselves and “reap the rewards.”
We want the freedom to make our own schedules and be there for our families….not be shackled with more obligations. We want to bring our gifts, message, and talent to the world…not make it into something we think it “should” be in order to convince people to buy.

Here’s the real deal, it’s not about the money, it never was. It’s about being who you are called to be.
If you’ve felt turned off by business coaches and programs that claim to help you grow your income by using some cookie cutter formula or process, I get it. You could care less about analytics, funnels, and analyzing your message to death. You just want to make more money doing what you love, being authentically you, and helping the people you’re here to serve.
You’ve spent your whole life coloring in the lines, following the rules and chasing the formulas for success and are ready for a better way. One that doesn’t require you to abandon yourself, your ideas, preferences, or cost you the rest of your life in the process.
You’re done letting the end justify the means. You’re ready to have it all without settling.
When you remember who you are, life rises to meet you, but the more you try to play by the rules and do it the way you think you should, the more stifled and caged you feel.
what you will learn:
Week 1: Aligning With Your Purpose Driven Life
Who were you before the world told you who to be? Where have you lost yourself along the way and how to begin figuring out who you really are (and who you aren’t) and how to make this a vital part of your soul led business.
Week 2: Following the Divine Breadcrumbs
How to start before you have it all figured out, build trust in yourself and confidently follow your desires above all else. Here you'll learn how to walk in the shoes of the woman you are becoming before you become her.
Week 3: Uncovering Who You Are Meant to Serve
How to get clear on your purpose, what work you’re here to do in the world and how to uncover the unique gift that only you can bring.
Week 4: Vibrational Alignment + Law of Attraction 101
All things manifestation, law of attraction, and how to use your powerful internal guidance system to help you effortlessly attract everything you desire while feeling better, more optimistic, and excited to co-create your dream life with the universe!
Week 5: Shifting Your Money Mindset
Understanding and shifting your wealth consciousness to create more abundance in all areas of your life (without working harder) so you can attract and hold more. Break money patterns, pay down debt, and get into overflow by shifting your money mindset.
Week 6: Feel Worthy of Money & Success
How to heal old stories, beliefs, and fears that tell you you aren't good enough, special, or ready to achieve big things in the world. Let go of the world's rules of earning and proving and feel ready to allow the clients, opportunities, and ideas to flow easily into your experience.
Week 7: Allowing and Receiving Your Money Miracles
Learn how to open yourself up to receiving without attachment or guilt so you can be supported in all areas without having to make it happen. Softening, opening, allowing and learning to lean back with eager anticipation of what's on the way.
Week 8: Balancing the Masculine & the Feminine
Understand the different energies and how to use them to get shit done. Heal your relationship with the overworked masculine and learn to embody the creative, intuitive, playful sexy, yummy feminine that will infuse more LIFE back into your life.
Week 9: Shifting Your Identity for Quantum Leaps
How to step into your next level self RIGHT NOW and start living, earning, and receiving as she does before anything actually changes. Deciding who you are based on who you feel led to be vs. the old stories about who you are (that were never even true!)
Week 10: Falling in Love With the Journey
How to enjoy every step along the way so you don’t have to wait until you arrive to begin experiencing your most epic life. Ditch the good girl mentality that you have to earn it before you can enjoy it. Learn to enjoy and embody NOW!
Week 11: Failing Fast + Resisting Fear
Understand the purpose of fear, how the brain will never allow you to do something new without it, and how to work with it to keep momentum building towards your goals. Understand the power that comes from facing your fears and what they are here to teach you.
Week 12: Creating Your Own Custom Blueprint
How to put it all together to create your own path towards your most epic life so you can lead yourself wherever you desire to go, no matter what. Become the woman who trusts herself to lead herself towards all the big, epic, yummy dreams on your heart.
When you sign up for the Academy and add on the Business Bundle, you'll also get access to my newest, best selling, serious smackdown courses that help you own & embody your unique fire so you can stand out online and get paid to be you!
You'll learn how to refine your brand, show up as a leader, connect with your ideal client avatar in a powerful way, and create powerful and potent content people can't look away from.
If you are committed to building a soul-led, fuck yes business the feminine way (good bye struggle, hustle, boring funnels, and linear and logic results) and are ready to bring your magic to the masses in the most creative, expressive, and unapologetic (fun!) way you can imagine, you're going to LOVE these programs.
The Badass Business Bundle includes the following programs + additional bonus content:

what people are saying:

“Giiirrrlll !! I fucking did it $10,000 baby !! Thanks so much for everything ❤️❤️❤️!!! If it weren’t for you helping me to learn to set my boundaries !! And just know and already claim it as mine and done it would of taken me away longer to reach this goal!!"
- Janell Mosbach, Massage Therapist

"Emilie's program has been life changing on all levels- personal & business! I can’t remember the last time I felt so alive and so sure of who I am as a person! And holy crap has my business taken off! I know big things are coming and all I have to do is sit back and wait! I love this!!"
- Kellie Woolsey, virtual assistant @TheSimpleAssistant

"Emilie is freaking amazing! She has helped me realize so much and become more in touch with my inner badass! I am no longer depressed and truly happy for the first time in a long time. My kids are happier because I am happier. My marriage has improved, my business has grown. Her program truly is life changing!"
- Vanessa Beard - Owner @A2Z Just Add Numbers Bookkeeping

"Working with Emilie was just the change I needed in my life. Doing her program opened my eyes to so many of the personal and professional road blocks I was tripping myself up on and I'm so grateful for the clarity I received as result of working with her. Not only was her program easy to work through, but Emilie always knew exactly what to say or what book to recommend. I am incredibly grateful for her and all of her help!"
- April Davis, educator & blogger @TheVaginaBlog

“After 38 years, Emilie has opened my eyes like they have never been opened. She has guided me to see things differently and has encouraged me to challenge some long held beliefs that have been holding me back. For the first time since I was a little girl, I am finally dreaming again. I’ve always been confident but she has given me an entirely different level of confidence and feeling of self-worth that has completely changed my relationships at work, home, and with myself. In only a few short months of knowing Emilie and working with her in the Bad Ass Boss Mom Academy, she lit a fire in me that is raging strong. I would love for every woman to have this feeling of fire inside of them. Emilie will definitely help you get there faster!”
- Molly Alesch
live feedback:
"I am so excited! I took my conditions off how my business should look and what type of clients I thought I should have and have signed 3 clients! Working on my 4th client. Booking sales calls are a breeze now and referrals from networking are flowing in.”
- Vanessa
“I have shifted into a better version of myself. And I am continuing on that journey. I am taking ownership and radical responsibility for my life and how it looks. I am the one who has the power to make a change for myself and my family. “
- Laura
"I feel so motivated now to believe in myself so that I can show other women to do the same. I also have value that I can add to the world. So silly that I didn’t believe that. I was always focused on what I didn’t know more than what I do know. When I think about how far I’ve come in the past 5 or 10 years, hell yes, I am valuable!!! I needed me!”
- Julie
“Thank you! I can feel my badass coming back! I feel the shifts, I hear and feel the nudges, and I am tossing out negative thoughts and replacing with gratitude. I feel the heat under my ass! She is ready to ROCK!”
- Courtney
I am in receiving mode. And boss mode. I can see a different future. And I am so fucking ready.”
- Christina
“We are meant to live amazing, happy, joyful, inspired lives! And because I want something I am meant to have it!”
- Kellie
✨How to stop working so fucking hard and doing so much
✨Figure out what’s missing ✨Make time your bitch ✨Grow your biz without working harder
✨Learn how to be supported and guided ✨Find more meaning and purpose in your life ✨Balance motherhood and building your big dreams
✨What’s holding you back ✨How to stop self sabotage
✨Create the freedom you crave ✨Build some serious momentum
✨Sell from soul ✨Skyrocket your growth
✨Unleash that rich bitch energy and learn how to use your feminine super powers
✨Uncover and shift money blocks
✨Stop shrinking, playing small, and holding back
✨Handle criticism, judgment, and assholes as you and your business thrive
✨Create a powerful brand people want to follow & buy from
✨Build the strength required to carry the big dream

if you desire to...
Be a badass boss of your life and biz
Drop the drama around money
Earn more while doing less
Feel confident, courageous, and serious bold AF
Become a magnet for the ideas, opportunities, and connections that will help you quantum leap your income goals
Ditch worrying about what other people think so you can show up as the fierce femme you really are, guilt and apology free
Become un-fucking-stoppable in crushing your goals
Be the woman who does not give up, slow down, or doubt herself when life gets hard
Start showing up as the woman you know, deep down, you were always meant to be
Transform your relationship with money, earning, and working hard (goodbye struggle)
Be crystal clear on your purpose, so you can start doing it and stop wasting time trying to figure it out
Open the flood gates of receiving so you can finally experience the divine breadcrumbs, delightful synchronicities, and money miracles you’ve been blocking without even realizing it
Get paid like a boss, just for being YOU and doing what you love
Claim the life you were made for, right now
The Academy is teaching you how to think, act, and show up like a boss. Combing next level manifestation strategies, powerful daily habits, badass life+biz strategies AND practical action, this mentorship is next level badass bossmom training for the woman serious about dropping uncertainty and doubt, so she can step up, step out, command respect, and make bank….all while rocking motherhood.
✨More confidence ✨Serious swagger ✨Zero fucks ✨Ease, flow, and magic ✨Fun, freedom, and fearlessness✨
still not convinced?

"Joining the Academy has been the most eye opening experience! I am learning so much about myself! I have found I am happier, loving life more, enjoying my family more, and most importantly, loving MYSELF more! Emilie is the direct, no sugar-coating coach you didn't know you needed! She ALWAYS knows exactly what to say! She will be the FIRE you need to believe in yourself to conquer your goals and dreams (no matter how big)! I am so incredibly thankful Emilie has a passion to do what she does!"
- Dr. Nicole Elger DDS
"Working with Emilie in her Badass Bossmoms Academy has been life changing. She’s helped me open my eyes and heart to MYSELF, realize my worth, encourage me to live life on my terms, make money with ease, and really, just feel damn good in this one life I have. She ALWAYS knows the exact thing to say, and what I need hear, especially when I didn’t know what I needed to hear. She listens intently and questions thoughtfully. I’ll always be thankful our paths crossed."
- Ceci Foltz Owner June and Jane Boutique

“Before I came across Emilie I thought all the answers I was seeking were somewhere out there. Emilie has helped me get in touch with my inner self and trust that more than anything else. She empowered me to take a leap of faith into my “someday dream” and make it happen now. I am in love with my new journey and forever grateful to Emilie’s encouragement, guidance, and support."
- Vanya Taha SAHM Life Coach
"Emilie has helped me go from dreaming about what my life could be to achieving my dream life. With Emilie’s help I was able to achieve goals I had put off for “one day”. I have grown more in the months I have worked with Emilie than any other time I can remember in my adult life. I am more confident as a woman, wife and mother. Emilie's insights and support have been instrumental in me getting to where I am. She’s the no b.s. friend we all need. She saw me in a better light than I saw myself."
- Ashley Daniels - Certified Health Coach

P.S. Did you know you get the Academy Bundle for free when you join my membership THE MADE FOR MORE SOCIETY?
The Society is a new (and growing) community of women who KNOW they are made for more and committed to figuring it out, prioritizing themselves, and making this the year everything changes.
📖 In this experience, you'll receive instant access to my entire content library as well as auto-enrollment in any new programs I launch during the year.
☺️ 2x a month LIVE group coaching.
💕 Private FB Community.
🥂 $500 discount on 1 in Person Luxury Retreat per year (when offered)
If you know you are ready to figure out:
WHY you're unsatisfied
WHAT is missing, and
HOW to make it happen
and you want the support, accountability, tools, & coaching to ensure your success...considering joining the Made for More Society.