finally realizing you can’t please everyone without abandoning yourself?
done playing small?
sick of worrying about what others think, holding yourself back, and apologizing for wanting to be, do, and have more than the average woman?
ready to stop wasting time and energy seeking permission & approval from people who were never meant to understand?
tired of being good and ready to be free?
let me guess...
You’ve spent your whole life being a people pleasing good girl, warming yourself under the glow of other’s approval, external validation and gold stars.
You made your parents proud and followed the rules.
You worked hard to fit in and got great at being who other’s wanted you to be. You were an easy going, low maintenance, YES! girl everyone liked and could always count on.
And it worked, until it didn’t.
Until you started realizing you spent a lot of time doing shit you didn’t want to do, putting others’ priorities ahead of your own, and coming last in your own life.
Your resentment grew, your opinions & preferences evolved, and you started to push back against the status quo
...and that's when shit went sideways

you found your voice and the courage to speak up…

you started saying no and setting boundaries…

you embraced more self expression, allowing yourself to be less like everyone else and more of yourself…

you made some changes, took some risks, & starting prioritizing your dreams over the path others preferred…
and people lost their silly little minds
Judgment. Passive aggressive comments. Assumptions. Accusations. Ghosting. Gossip.
Shit both big and small that has paralyzed you...
triggered your worst fears...
hurt your feelings...
and made you equal parts angry, sad, and unsure on where to go from here.
If you find yourself wondering...
how do you continue to honor YOURSELF when the people you love don’t love how you’ve changed?
you're in the right place.

A 6 week program created to teach you WHY it’s so hard to let go of what others think, HOW to believe in yourself when others don’t, WHAT to do when the uncomfortable emotions and self doubt come up, and HOW to show the fuck up for yourself anyways - so you can leave behind the cycle of self sabotage, playing small, & living for everyone but yourself.
In UNLEASH, you’re going to get clear on exactly where you are holding yourself back, why playing small feels safe (and disappointing others feels excruciating), and how to build your “I’m okay if even if you don’t like or get me” muscles, all without feeling like a bitch, abandoning yourself, or being someone you’re not.
the hard truth
You can’t create your most satisfying & fulfilling life while worrying about everyone else, and yet, allowing yourself to outgrow circumstances, relationships, and the old you can be excruciating.
If you’ve only shared parts of who you are and what you want…people can't fully know, love, and SEE the real you (which is why you feel so lonely)
When you’ve spent your whole life being great at telling people what they want to hear…you often don't know what YOU really want (which is why life isn't more satisfying)
If you gave them all the power to decide who you get to be…they probably aren’t going to like it when you decide to be someone else (which is why you're trying to convince them you haven't changed - when you have)
If you always looked to them for approval & permission...you won’t know how to move forward without it (which is why you're stuck & not making progress)
If you want more but are afraid of their judgement...you will self sabotage and hold yourself back from what you really want (which is why you don't have it)
Keeping the peace and be liked by everyone is great...until you realize you lost yourself in the process (and that's why all of this feels so hard)
playing small is hurting you so many more places than you realize.
not knowing how to hold your own…
or ask for what you want….
the inability to set boundaries….
or fight for what’s right…
or tell him how you like it…
the way you shrink and deny your own light….
All of it hurts your soul babe.
It confirms your worst fear - that you aren’t as worthy as everyone else.
That your wants, needs, desires, and voice are irrelevant.
That other’s comfort is more valuable than your own.
Once you “ask” - you’ve already chosen to see yourself as less than.
YOU decide your worth before you walk into any room…
or conversation….
or argument...
or opportunity.
And as long as you keep asking, the answer will always be no.
here's how UNLEASH will help
In UNLEASH you’re going to learn:
- HOW to build up your self worth by feeling & healing the little girl who didn’t get the message that SHE was the damn prize.
- All the places you are WASTING TIME & ENERGY waiting for permission when you could just be claiming what’s yours
- WHERE sneaky self sabotage shows up (what you don’t even see) and how to catch it in it’s tracks
- EXACTLY what to do (and how to hold yourself) when tensions rise & you want to speak up but can’t AND when to shut the fuck up and stop over explaining yourself.
- PRACTICE putting yourself out there in a BIG way and then be supported, guided, and coached as you do this in real time (group Voxer support babe so I’ve got you every step of the way!)
- SET STRETCHY goals for our time together and make real progress in 1 area, so after 6 weeks you can look back and see the evidence of your bad-assery in real time.
- SELF LOVE for days, re-parenting the good girl, uncovering and facing the monsters and literally re-writing your story so you can see yourself as the heroine who saves her damn self (prince not required).
- Meeting your edges, growing your strength, building your faith, and how to BE THE DAMN WOMAN first.
And so much more.
tough love time...
You can't evolve into the powerful, potent, and unapologetic woman you were always meant to be (and create the big life desire to have) while clinging to the old, people pleasing, self abandoning version of who you were.
If you're waiting for their blessing before going all in, get comfy...you're gonna stay stuck here in mediocrity for quite a while.
You don't get a big life by making small moves babe.
It's time to stop asking them for something that was never theirs to give you. Only you can decide, declare, and dare to live beyond basic.
"Emilie is freaking amazing! She has helped me realize so much and become more in touch with my inner badass! I am truly happy for the first time in a long time. My kids are happier because I am happier. My marriage has improved, my business has grown. Her program truly is life changing!""
Vanessa Beard
"Working with Emilie has been the most eye opening experience! I am learning so much about myself! I am happier, loving life, enjoying my family more, and most importantly, loving MYSELF more! Emilie is the direct, no sugar-coating coach you didn't know you needed! She ALWAYS knows exactly what to say! She will be the FIRE you need to believe in yourself to conquer your goals and dreams (no matter how big)! I am so incredibly thankful Emilie has a passion to do what she does!"
Dr. Nicole Elger DDS
you know it's time to
stop playing safe, playing small, and playing around with your full potential
UNLEASH is going to teach you exactly how to go from a girl who asks ...
(constantly self abandoning being wishy-washy and insecure, chasing approval, waiting for permission, overwhelmed by emotions & fears and feeling responsible for everything and everyone)
to a woman who decides
(prioritizing herself, making big moves, building momentum, unconcerned with others opinions, trusting her wants, thriving, kicking ass, living life on her terms, and loved for who she really is - instead of who she's trying to be)
UNLEASH is different
Knowledge ISN’T power and simply knowing that we shouldn't care what others think doesn't change the fact that we do.
It's why information, inspirational quotes, and cheers from well meaning friends telling you not to give a shit, hasn't worked.
Information does not equal transformation when it clashes with deep rooted, subconscious fears that actually believes disapproval might kill you.
Which is why I'm not just gonna teach you some new ideas, I'm going to hold your hand and walk you through a massive up level in real time.
You aren't just gonna sit there and listen to me talk.
As a trained life coach with over 5 years experience supporting smart, driven, successful women who “know what to do” but can’t seem to do it, I've designed UNLEASH to teach you how to integrate the information in a way that reprograms your brain, central nervous system, & belief system AS YOU APPLY what you learn and practice being bigger.
- WHERE ARE YOU READY TO SHINE?: During the pre-work you're going to identify one area you are ready to go BIG in (whether that’s your business, finances, relationships, body goals, wherever you know you’re playing small)
- WHY CAN'T I BE BIG? We're gonna get curious, investigate and break down the beliefs in your way, uncover the old stories & fears that are keeping you from showing up bigger.
- HOW DO I SHOW UP ANYWAYS? Once you know what you want, why you think you can't have it, then you're gonna DO IT ANYWAYS. I'll help you create a strategy to show up as the woman you want to be, even if you don't yet feel right ready
- HOW DO I SUSTAIN & MAINTAIN? What you learn during our time together will be the foundation of your individual plan moving forward.
UNLEASH is more like a bootcamp than a course. Yes you're gonna learn oodles of new ways of seeing things, but I’m going to coach you every step of the way (while the community of women cheer you on and remind you how fucking incredible you are).
I've built a successful, multiple 6 figure, purpose based business as a busy mom of 4 doing life MY way
after decades of struggling, people pleasing, & following other people's rules
In 2018 I shared my blog with friends and family, terrified of putting myself out there and worried people would wonder “who does she think she is?”
I've gone from “here are my thoughts if that’s okay” to “I’m an expert in this and you should pay me to help you” all while navigating criticism, judgment, and misunderstanding from the people I wanted most to approve of & celebrate me.
Almost half a million dollars later, hundreds of paying clients served, and the satisfaction of living my purpose every damn day (while leaving the overwhelmed, frumpy, "my kids come first and therefore I cease to exist woman" in the dust), I’m so glad I grew past worrying about others' opinions.
Learning how to handle the discomfort of outgrowing people and circumstances that wanted me to stay the same (and like every other miserable, martyr mom on the block), is why I'm here today.
Babe, your calling is not a conference call.
What we're covering
Lesson 1:
Good Girl Conditioning the Lies We Swallowed, and the Power Paradox That Keeps Us Small
Lesson 2:
Honoring Our Story While Challenging the Narrative
Lesson 3:
The Emotional Bondage That Keeps Us Caged
Lesson 4:
Know Your Worth, Raise the Standards, & Anoint Your Damn Self
Lesson 5:
Fear, Faith, and Running Towards the Fire
Lesson 6:
Maintenance, Mentorship, and Becoming Magnetic
the details
6 Core Lessons
Six live trainings that break down WHY it’s so hard to let go of what others think and EXACTLY HOW to believe in yourself when others don’t, WHAT to do when the uncomfortable emotions and self doubt come up, and HOW to show the fuck up for yourself anyways. These trainings will take place over the course of six weeks. We’ll also do Q+A after each training
Homework + Bonus Content
To help you take it move it from theory into the practical...you'll receive additional supplemental materials, homework, and practices to apply and anchor it what you learn.
UNLEASH original!
You'll also get the entire original Unleash 5 lesson program at no additional cost!
Investment Options
Did you know you get UNLEASH for free when you join my membership THE MADE FOR MORE SOCIETY?
The Society is a new (and growing) community of women who KNOW they are made for more and committed to figuring it out, prioritizing themselves, and making 2024 the year everything changes.
📖 In this one year experience, you'll receive instant access to nearly my entire content library as well as auto-enrollment in any new programs I launch during the year.
☺️ 2x per month LIVE monthly group coaching.
💕 Private FB Community.
🥂 $500 discount on 1 In Person Luxury Retreat per year.
If you know you are ready to figure out:
WHY you're unsatisfied
WHAT is missing, and
HOW to make it happen
and you want the support, accountability, tools, & coaching to ensure your success...considering joining the Made for More Society.

"Before working with Emilie I was struggling. I didn’t like who I was becoming with the pressures of motherhood. After working with Emilie, I became hyper self-aware and that made all the difference. I was able to ask myself questions and reflect on who I was and what was stopping me from becoming the person I knew I could be...the person I was before kids. I began asking for things I needed and felt zero guilt about it and I set boundaries which were necessary in my personal growth as a confident mom and woman. It was a process, but I can’t recommend Emilie enough"
- Samantha Alber

"Before Emilie I thought all the answers I was seeking were somewhere out there. Emilie has helped me get in touch with my inner self and trust more than anything else. She empowered me to take a leap of faith into my “someday dream” and make it happen now. I am in love with my new journey and forever grateful to Emilie’s encouragement, guidance, and support."
- Vanja Taha Life Coach
"Emilie has helped me find myself, my confidence, and my inner voice again. This has helped my personal life and my business transform. I love who I am becoming more and more each day!"
- Laura MacMillian