it's so much more 


Join me in the heart of the French Quarter for 3 days of transformational coaching, luxurious experiences, and rich, witchy woman vibes to help you FEEL YOUR WAY towards your next level of personal fulfillment + professional success.


it's so much more 

Yes you’re gonna get a few days break from your kids, your to do list, and the mundane routines that take so much of your energy

Of course I’m going to pamper you in luxury, take care of every last detail, and make sure you don’t have to worry about a damn thing

But more than that, you’re going to meet & experience parts of yourself that are trying to get your attention to show you:

  •  where you’ve lost yourself
  •  what you really want that you’re terrified to admit out loud
  •  who you are beyond the roles & responsibilities you fill

Our time together is a profound, transformative experience that will wake you up to the woman within who has a lot of say about all the ways you are settling, self abandoning, and selling your potential short.

You will not come home the same woman.



April 2025


A 3 day luxury woman’s retreat created to throw you miles outside your routines, patterns, and comfort zone so you can experience yourself in a new way, beyond the limitation of your day to day “reality” and spend overdue quality time with YOURSELF, with the woman behind the roles you fill, the woman you may have lost long ago, the woman who is screaming not only for a break, but to break free.


This is an immersive experience in the heart of the French Quarter.

Each retreat location is selected specifically for a certain experience & energy the location provides. Yes, we have a luxury house to come home to at the end of the day, but most of our time will be spent exploring & experiencing the magic that only New Orleans can deliver.

After attending over a dozen retreats and hosting 3 of my own, I’ve perfected a potent process for integrating play & pleasure in a intentional way that stretches you into a fuller expression of who you really are (instead of who you think you “should” be) that helps you:

  •  feel more alive & energized than you’ve been in a long time
  •  experience what’s been missing in a profound way (this always shakes women to their core)
  •  meet your “monsters” (the limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, old stories, etc that are keeping you stuck)
  •  know, accept, and love yourself deeper (especially the parts of you thought you had to ignore, fix, or hide to be worthy).
  •  integrate what you’ve experienced and learned back into your regular life

Why New Orleans?

Besides the fact it’s one of my favorite cities for its unique charm, rich culture, delectable food, and vibrant energy, New Orleans is special.

This might be the most meaningful retreat location I’ll ever host.

Historically, women have been tormented by a legacy of fear, domesticated out of our wild to be good girls terrified to step out of line.

We've been trained to be good, to distrust other women, to deny our sexuality, silence our voice, and swallow our screams.

 The world fears powerful women, labeling them witches, burning wise women, healers, elders, keepers of tradition, prophets and midwives at the stake,  women responsible for initiating other women into the ways of womanhood.

 We carry their fear.

We play small and hold back and toe the line, never feeling safe to embrace & celebrate our wild, feminine power.

New Orleans is not only a place where femininity is allowed to blossom, but celebrated.


One of the most magical and mysterious cities on earth but also one of the only places in Western culture that embraces the power of Voodoo and witchcraft (both presently and historically).

A city bursting with feminine energy, the cradle of music, a place to feast, masquerade, dance and dare to come alive.

Influenced by the French and Spaniards, Cuba, Mexico, Haitians, smugglers, privateers, plantation owners and pirates, New Orleans is diverse, rich, audacious, rebellious and everything we’ve been taught NOT to be.

 “New Orleans is a city of paradox. Sin, salvation, sex, sanctification, so intertwined yet so separate.

Harry Connick, Jr.

Ying and yang.

Light and dark.

All of it is required or none of it can exist.

I can think of no better place to revive our wild feminine and explore the paradoxes of being a woman than the city of second chances.

"I needed this retreat more than I knew and I’ve never felt more alive after reviving my inner self again"

Kristen Roth

"A PROFOUND experience. In-fucking-credible. Somewhat like I expected but also SO much more. So so much more. I am a changed woman, and tearing up as I type this. My life will never be the same, and I will never be the same and I am so so so grateful for that. Only up from here sister!."

Ceci Foltz


There are 3 levels available for this retreat


  •  3 nights luxury accommodations (location TBD) complete with walkable city amenities and luxurious surroundings (up to a $1500 value)
  • Most meals, snacks, coffee, tea, alcohol, & beverages once you arrive ($500 value)
  • 2  1/2 days of in person, high vibe high touch, transformational group coaching + 1:1 time ($5000 value)
  • Swag bag stuffed with luxury products & my fav must haves (up to a $500 value)
  • Retreat Group Voxer Access 2 weeks before + after the retreat ($1000 value)
  • DOES NOT INCLUDE: Transportation and travel expenses to and from the retreat. Shopping, additional spa services, drinks, transportation, or food after retreat hours, or other optional amenities.



you must confirm your attendance by December 1st in order to save your seat!


Michelle Sorenson

"The short time that we shared in Florida at the retreat transformed me. I can’t ever go back to being that woman who doesn’t listen to my own wants and needs! Not only that, sharing those wants and needs are not just helping me but it also has helped my significant other be more decisive and communicative in such a positive way for himself and our relationship. My ability to speak my truth and listen to myself and my needs has also made me a stronger friend, employee, sister, daughter, and woman! Thank you so much for the time we shared. I look forward to joining other retreats!" 

Ashley Daniels

"This whole experience was magical. It’s hard to put words to everything that happened. I felt like my heart broke and is being forged into something new. Being in the same room with women who are kicking ass, but also dealing with such similar issues in different situations was reassuring and eye opening. We are not alone. We never have been. I am eternally grateful for you Emilie and for all of the women I shared this movement with. We became sisters joined in our hugs, tears, laughter, pain and joy. Thank you for holding space for me and each other. This is an experience I'll never forget!"

Vanessa Beard

"I've never felt so safe to be the real me in front of other women. It was such an amazing time and so hard to put into words. The connection and being seen at this level gives me more confidence being seen in other areas of my life. Thank you for this incredible retreat you put together and I cannot wait for the next one!"

Marissa Oxford

"Emilie’s retreats are soul shifting. Shifts that you are not expecting.  The best blend of experiences and coaching and it always seems to morph and shift to exactly what each woman in attendance needed. Life long friendships are made and I leave every retreat feeling shifted in the best way possible.  If you can, GOOOO!!! You will not regret it!!"

Caroline Hughes Wilder

"Ladies, if you're on the fence and not sure if you can swing it, DO IT!!!!!!! The January retreat changed me in ways I could never have imagined. I am looking forward to the next and many more to come!!"

Doors Close 11/30

Don't wait! Your spot must be secured before December 1st!

Save My Seat!