Vol.1 No.1: Good girl-ing, getting fired up, and gut punches
Hey recovering good girl!
Welcome to the very first edition of the Good Girl Revolution newsletter where we’re gonna talk about all of the ideas, issues, & obstacles to breaking up with the good girl conditioning that’s running your entire life
Good girl-ing is a trap you can’t break out of because this shit is EVERYWHERE. It’s sinking into your pores (and your subconscious) in places you didn’t even think to notice.
It’s why it feels so hard to do what you WANT and instead spend all your time doing what you “should” or what you think you “need to” and then feel like you’re lost in your own life (while feeling crazy because you’re doing everything “right” but you still feel lost, frustrated & fucking exhausted).
- No time for yourself.
- Everyone else coming first.
- Feeling bad about what you want, bad about being angry, bad for everything you did wrong and everything you didn’t do (but should have)...bad bad bad girl.
- Lugging around so much damn guilt as the resentment grows and you wonder “when will it get easier? When will it be my turn?”
It IS your turn, but first, we gotta get that good girl out of the way (or better said, it’s time to lovingly thank her for her years of faithful service doing her best to protect you, but that she is no longer needed).
I’m going to help you learn how to release the “good girl” so you can step powerfully into the big “bad” woman who has the life you want.
- A woman who is done letting other people’s opinions become the rules she lives by.
- A woman who trusts herself over everything else.
- A woman who would rather disappoint 100 people than herself.
- A woman who knows her worth, sees her value, and doesn’t ask permission.
- A woman who is done fucking around with her life & potential because she’s done being “good” and is ready to be free.
- All day every day the message that “good” girls are better & preferable to those who “cause trouble” (aka think for themselves) is reiterated & reinforced.
The Good Girl Revolution is the collective rejection of the idea that in order to be loved, worthy, accepted and successful women must be “good” (aka play by society's rules, be “nice” and pleasant).
It’s the rejection that we need to be someone ELSE to be worthy.
It’s the rejection that THE WORLD knows better than us or that who we really are and what we really want is “bad”
Every week, here in the newsletter I’m gonna call out the subtle ways we shame & silence women into being “good” and show you where it’s hiding in plain sight.
It’s going to be an on-going conversation about all the things in the real world influencing you and making it harder for you to live freely.
I’m also gonna show you what to do about it.
The newsletter will be dividend into 3 sections
Wait what?
>> here is where I’ll share stories & examples
>> I’ll rant a bit on why this is bullshit
What now?
>> and then I’ll give you some solid recommendations on what you can learn, takeaway, or do from here
Because I want this content to be really impactful and useful to you, I wanna know (drop your answer in the comments or reply if viewing via email)...where do you feel stuck as “good girl?”
For example, do you worry about what other people think or being judged? Do you struggle with “getting it wrong” or making mistakes?
Where do you find it particularly challenging to just do what you want (vs what you think you should?)
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Wanna keep the revolution momentum going? Make sure to join my free FB Community where we're talking all day every day about HOW to fuck the rules & write your own.
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