If you were being honest, you'd admit
nothing terrifies you more than being average.
So instead of continuing to pretend you’re ordinary, doing what ordinary women do and settling for far less than you know you were meant for, isn’t it time to make your extraordinary life non-negotiable?
but that's not all you want...
You want it all,
like literally EVERYTHING, without compromising a damn thing.
You want to stop playing safe, playing small, and playing around with your potential.
(you’re sick of worrying about what others think too).
You want to enjoy life more fully NOW,
not someday, once you achieve all your goals, now.
You want way more money, a bigger business, and consistent sustainable success.
You’re so over running your business like you don't have kids and running your household like you don't have a business.
You want the freedom entrepreneurship promised,
less hours tied to your phone and more time actually living your life.
You want to be exceptional.
You don’t just want an exceptional life you want to BE an exceptional woman, living a life most are afraid to even dream of.
You want answers to life's biggest questions,
like who you REALLY are, how to lean on the universe for support and where manifestation fits in all of this.
what you want isn't a fantasy, but it's only a reality for those with the audacity to believe in a better way

The Made for More Society is a membership+live group coaching program for the uncompromising woman who wants a deeply satisfying and highly successful business that supports her busy life instead of competing with it.
Created for the entrepreneur mom with big dreams, little time, and an unwavering determination to have it all, the Made for More Society will show you exactly how the extraordinary woman lives her life and leads her business beyond the ordinary struggles that keep most women stuck.
If you refuse to give up your goals, make excuses, or let motherhood slow you down, but feel overworked, underpaid, and sick of playing small, unsure how to accomplish your big dreams without sacrificing your life, The Society is going to change everything, fast.
doing what everyone else does will never create the extraordinary life you want...
which is why we do things differently in The Society
instead of...
🚫 Hustling your life away, sacrificing precious time with your kids, and believing you must grind for years before you’re allowed to also prioritize & enjoy other areas of your life
🚫 Using some cookie cutter formula to grow your business while looking like every mom in the school drop off line, feeling deep down terrified if you aren’t fucking perfect you won’t be loved, accepted, or successful (while secretly wanting to scream and live a lot bolder).
🚫 Sucking it up, pushing through, and doing shit you don’t want to do in order to “earn” your rest, rewards, and relaxation once, and only once the work is done.
🚫 Being stuck in the do to get, trading dollars for hours mentality that keeps you working way too hard for too little (while giving money all the power to decide how you feel about yourself and your biz).
🚫 Swinging between working constantly (and feeling like every sick kid, appointment, or interruption is ruining your momentum) to saying “fuck it” and blowing off your biz for weeks (or even months) at a time under the excuse that being your own boss means you can do what you want
🚫 Trying to figure out the success game, feeling powerless, always doubting yourself and looking to everyone else for answers, permission, and approval (while constantly feeling not good enough)
🚫 Operating from lack, believing you aren’t there yet and that your efforts alone are required to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be
you will...
✅ refuse to sacrifice what matters most today so someday you can get back the things you sacrificed to get there (it doesn’t even make sense)
✅ say "fuck no" to ever abandoning yourself for approval again and be free to show up more authentically (online and in all areas of life) to attract incredible, aligned, soulmate clients & friends who love the REAL you (no perfection, basic beige, or boring bitch required).
✅ only do what you want to do when and how you want to do it, letting what feels good and exciting be your north star because you know when you leverage alignment, follow the energy and access your intuition, you actually get MORE done with less effort (while having way more fun along the way)
✅ set your business up to bring in more cash NOW (while laying the groundwork to scale) WHILE shifting your money money set, healing your relationship to receiving, and removing the abundance blocks that literally prevent you from earning more (so YOU have the power over money and it starts flowing more easily)
✅ know exactly how to hit your goals each month, how much to post and what to say so it’s clear when your work is done (and you can fit in lunch dates, workouts, manicures, and trips to the park after school, you know all the reasons you wanted to be an entrepreneur in the first place) so it's sustainable, flexible, AND enjoyable.
✅ become the ultimate authority in your own life, write your own rules, decided (unapologetically) how life and biz works for you, and take full responsibility for creating the reality YOU want to live (not allowing anything, anyone, or any outcome decide who you are or how to feel)
✅ Know how to align your energy to what you want FIRST, so you can leverage the power of the universe to attract what you want to you (faster and with far less effort)
The Made for More Society is the one and only program you will ever need
There are countless business building programs to help you grow a business….but you're not here JUST to make money .
You're here to HAVE IT ALL without settling.
You’ve been taught that effort + time = results and that sacrifice is required for success.
Essentially the path towards the dream life is built with hard work over long periods of time.
Ain't no busy mom got time for that.
Which is why you feel exhausted, overworked, underpaid, and like you'll never get there.
It's not possible to have it all the way most people teach it (at least not before your kids are grown and gone)
There isn't enough hours in the day or years in your lifetime to get there on force, sacrifice, and effort alone.
What you'll learn and experience in The Society will change every part of your life now and for the rest of time
Because when you join us you will learn to:
- Fall in love with life+biz now (as you grow and chase new goals)
- Trust yourself and lead yourself better than the "experts" ever could
- Shift your identity, manifest, & leverage the universe for quantum leaps
As your business (and children grow) you will have everything you need to tackle higher and higher levels of success & satisfaction.
The principles & extraordinary woman upgrades you'll learn and practice in The Society will serve you in every area of your life for the rest of your life.
If you're tired of trying to make things happen and ready to let them happen (better, easier, and faster than you thought possible), The Made for More Society is for you.
hi. I'm Emilie and I have it all
all the things that matter to me anyways.
Mom of 4, wife of 20 years, fitness obsessed big dreamin’ entrepreneur, I too have a lot on my plate.
Like most busy moms, I know how to get shit done. Today though, I finally know how to both manage my family and grow my business without falling into overwork or overwhelm.
I don’t have time to do things that don’t work or that I don’t enjoy, and neither do you.
I started my business after being a stay at home mom for 12 years.
😩 With 4 young kids under the age of 11, I was already stressed for time, rushing to football practice & ballet, dealing with the mountains of school paperwork each day.
I wanted the flexibility to get my kids off to the bus every morning and greet them when they came home. The freedom to take vacations without worrying about time off or asking a boss and simply the possibility of limitless income potential to pay for their college and all the things I didn't have as a kid.
But 12 months in I felt anything but free.
😩 I spent every spare moment working, posting on Instagram when I should have been playing in the back yard...getting up before dawn and falling into bed exhausted each night...loosing my temper and snapping at them as I desperately tried to finish writing one email that should have taken 15 minutes but stretched into an hour.
😩 I worked my ass off, day and night and after the first year I had only a handful of clients, a panic attack disorder diagnosis from the stress, and over $20,000 in business credit card debt.
That rough first year taught me a lot (mostly what not to do).
When I stopped searching for the path to success and decided to create my own, my business grew 400%, turning my annual income into my monthly income, while cutting the hours I worked in half.
☺️ I’ve spent the last 5 years helping other ambitious moms who KNOW they are made for more create the lives & business of THEIR dreams (all without sacrificing what matters most or doing shit they hate).
The Society is going to show you the exact steps, lessons, processes, shifts, habits, and energetic upgrades I went through along my journey to help you create YOUR way.
what you'll learn in The Society
In addition to a content library of 30+ courses on everything from tackling mom guilt to hitting your first 6 figure year, you'll start The Society working through 12 weekly foundational lessons induced in The Academy:

Week 1: Aligning to Your Purpose Driven Life
You can’t create an extraordinary life until you get in alignment with who YOU REALLY ARE (and what you really want). In this module you will reconnect what the REAL you and put her back in the driver's seat of your life so she can lead the way.
What do I REALLY want?
Week 2: Following the Divine Breadcrumbs
How to start before you have it all figured out, build trust in yourself and confidently follow your desires above all else. Here you'll learn how to take action when you don’t have it all figured out yet (and how we let the Universe lead the way)
What do I do different RIGHT NOW?
Week 3: Uncovering Who You're Meant to Serve
How to get clear on your purpose, what work you’re here to do, and how to uncover the unique gift that only you can bring. You'll audit your current biz to see how aligned it truly is for you and get clear on what may need to change.
What am I REALLY here to do?
Week 4: Vibrational Alignment and Law of Attraction 101
All things manifestation, law of attraction, and how to use your powerful internal guidance system to help you effortlessly attract everything you desire while feeling better, more optimistic, and excited to co-create your dream life with the universe!
How do I intentionally manifest?
Week 5: Shifting Your Money Mindset & Calling in Cash
Understanding and shifting your wealth consciousness to create more abundance in all areas of your life (without working harder) so you can attract and hold more. Break money patterns, pay down debt, and get into overflow by shifting your money mindset.
How can money come easier?
Week 6: Feeling Worthy of Money+Success
How to heal old stories, beliefs, and fears that tell you you aren't good enough, special, or ready to achieve big things in the world. Let go of the world's rules of earning and proving and feel ready to allow the clients, opportunities, and ideas to flow easily into your experience.
Do I really deserve more if I do less?
Week 7: Allowing + Receiving Your Money Miracles
Learn how to open yourself up to receiving without attachment or guilt so you can be supported in all areas without having to make it happen. Softening, opening, allowing and learning to lean back with eager anticipation of what's on the way.
How do I stop self sabotaging ease?
Week 8: Balancing the Masculine & the Feminine
Understand the different energies and how to use them to get shit done. Heal your relationship with the overworked masculine and learn to embody the creative, intuitive, playful sexy, yummy feminine that will infuse more LIFE back into your life.
Can I slow down & still succeed?
Week 9: Shifting Your Identity for Quantum Leaps
How to step into your next level self RIGHT NOW and start living, earning, and receiving as she does before anything actually changes. Deciding who you are based on who you feel led to be vs. the old stories about who you are (that were never even true!)
Am I allowed to believing in myself?
Week 10: Falling in Love with the Journey
How to enjoy every step along the way so you don’t have to wait until you arrive to begin experiencing your most epic life. Ditch the good girl mentality that you have to earn it before you can enjoy it. Learn to enjoy and embody NOW!
How do I enjoy the climb when it's hard?
Week 11: Failing Fast, Resisting Fear +Building Momentum
Understand the purpose of fear, how the brain will never allow you to do something new without it, and how to work with it to keep momentum building towards your goals. Understand the power that comes from facing your fears and what they are here to teach you.
What if I'm not good enough?
Week 12: Creating Your Own Custom Blueprint
How to put it all together to create your own path towards your most epic life so you can lead yourself wherever you desire to go, no matter what. Become the woman who trusts herself to lead herself towards all the big, epic, yummy dreams on your heart.
How do I LIVE this new way?
what's included in The Society
Oodles of content, live group coaching, community, + so much more
The Made for More Academy Foundational Modules
As soon as you sign up you’ll get access to the Welcome video, bonus content and week 1 of the foundational modules. The Academy course is everything you need to understand the new, exceptional woman way of self leadership. Each week for 12 weeks a new module will open up for you to work through & apply to your life and business.
You'll get access to the Made for More Society Facebook community for support between calls and to connect with other moms on this journey. Here you'll share wins, check in to stay accountable, and meet your ride or die besties who also refuse to settle for ordinary (there are more of us than you think!)
Live Group Coaching
Twice a month I'll support you live on group Zoom coaching calls designed as you work towards your goals & navigate the course material + library . Here you’ll check in, share your progress, wins, challenges & questions and be supported as you implement what you learn in life+biz.
Library Instant Access
Instant access to my entire content library. This will become your resource library for going deeper - hundreds of hours of specific trainings on everything you need to help you create your exceptional life…from self love, to growing your business the feminine way, to manifestation, getting paid to be you, adopting the fit mom mindset, and how to revive the woman behind the mother.
Auto Enrollment in New Programs
You'll be auto enrolled in any new programs or courses I create during your time enrolled in the Society.
$500 off VIP Luxury All Inclusive Retreats
When in person retreats are offered, Society members will be given priority access and an additional $500 discount. You can view details on past retreats here.
Private Coaching Add Ons
As an active Society Member you can purchase and book additional private coaching calls for personal 1:1 support at a discounted rate.
here's just a few of courses included in the content library..

"Within 6 months of hiring Emilie I increased my side hustle reoccurring income 500%, quit my corporate job, shifted my relationship with money and spending, am feeling more free and safe to show up as the real me online and in all areas of my life."
Ashley Chamberlain - CPA

"Hiring Emilie has been so life changing for me!! I've been working with Emilie for almost 6 months now and A LOT has changed, and ALL for the better. When I started working with her I was at a plateau in my business and trying to figure out why. Not only did Emilie help me see past this and work through it, but I've since started a new business and hit my first $20k month! I went from $4k, to $13k and now $20k months! I'm so completely happy where I am today!"
Holly Daniels - Coach
"I've invested thousands of dollars in other programs and courses the past couple of years and got a quarter out of them what Emilie has helped me with in just a few weeks. Everything I'm learning from Emilie has literally been the missing piece I've needed my entire life - both in business and personal growth. Investing in working with Emilie is by far the most important thing I've done for myself and my business"
Courtney Smith Blogger + Freelance Writer

your investment
Monthly Membership
thru 1/31 (reg. $555)
*Strict 6 month minimum
one more thing

I know you are capable of more than most. I know you’ve worked your ass off to get where you are and I know when you set your mind to something, you can’t be stopped.
But I also know that what got you here won’t get you there.
You’ve excelled at following other people’s rules and becoming whoever you needed to be to gain approval, validation, and gold stars.
The deeply satisfying, turned on, fuck yes life you crave can only be created on YOUR TERMS.
This is an entirely different game, one where the only measure of success is what feels delicious satisfying TO YOU.
Trusting what feels good, following your desires, choosing YOURSELF over the demands’ of the world…these are not only skills you haven’t yet learned but the complete OPPOSITE of what you’ve spent your entire life mastering.
If anyone could have done it on their own, it would have been you.
You need a guide on this journey.
I know what is going to try and stop you.
I know where you’ll want to give up and go back to what “feels safe” how it's easier to trust everyone else over yourself.
I know how strong those old patterns are and how sneaky they can be when trying to slow you down.
I know what monsters you’ll meet along your path and I know what is needed to move through every single obstacle.
I am a master at
creating a safe space for change
- explaining "woo woo" concepts in tangible, concrete ways that make it make sense
connecting you to your truth (even when self sabotage shows up)
holding space for you to work through & release a lifetime of fears and self doubt
and lending you my unshakeable faith until yours is stronger (every woman can do this, truly! It is your birthright babe)
Nothing in your life will ever be the same again, because YOU will never be the same.
It's time for you to break free, step into the shoes of the extraordinary women you were born to be, and learn how to lead your life and business like the leader, visionary, and powerful fucking woman you really are.
I can't wait to begin.